Its been a hectic couple of weeks in the office. The working drawings for The Cow Shed drawings have been completed, including a little detail for a sliding ventilation panel door that allows for ventilation and views between a first floor bedroom and the double height entrance hall.
Sliding ventilation door detail |
We've also been looking at some designs for fitted furniture. In the Cow Shed, this included a stone hearth for the woodburning stove, with fitted cupboards adjacent in oak with leather handles, and on a Church Hall project a secondary hall space has been developed to include storage units including pull out toy boxes for the Nursery that will occupy the space frequently.
Toy box storage unit for Community Hall |
Early design work has also been progressing on several projects, including an extension for a house in the Peak district, which is looking to extend at the rear to include a contemporary Kitchen and Sunroom alongside the traditional cottage.
Sketch model options for house extension in the Peak District |
We're currently looking at options for how best to extend to the rear to provide maximum daylight into the Sunroom and existing house, whilst not allowing the extension to effect the village streetscene - more models needed!
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