18 May 2012

This blog contains 2 men in a bathtub...

Following the success of the Square Chapel Centre for the Arts stage 1 funding bid from the Arts Council in April, we have been developing the detail of the scheme in preparation for submitting the next stage. This has included working on the interior design of the Foyer Space and 'forest glade' roof structure.

Square Chapel Centre for the Arts - Foyer space development

The new residential and commercial block adjacent to the Olde English Hotel in Matlock is now close to starting on site. Our detailed design work is almost complete, including detailed co-ordination of the external envelope, lintels and structural steelwork in every bay of the new building.

Detailed lintel design for the Olde English new block
 Concept design work for a new dwelling in Matlock has been developing in preparation for submitting a pre-planning application shortly. The design is for a simple, clean box that maximises the tight budget with a corner removed to open the living areas to the garden.
New house design for Matlock
Outside of the office, Robert Evans visited the RIBA Yorkshire's 'Spring Cleaning' event this week to give a presentation entitled 'The A-Z of starting (and surviving) in a recession' which draws on his experience of setting up during recession in the 90's and keeping the business going in the current climate. A few of the slides are below - can you guess what the letters stand for?!

Evans Vettori Architecture A-Z: Letter C

Evans Vettori Architecture A-Z: Letter X

9 May 2012

It's about time...

It's been a hectic few weeks in the office with lots of activity on a variety of projects, leaving little time for blogging! So it's about time we updated our news:

The students from Nottingham University completed their design report following the garden design workshop for Ashgate Croft ILU. The ideas varied from a smallholding with livestock, sensory gardens and water gardens to provide a range of experiences for the pupils. The school's preferred option came from Emma Cheyne, which provided a range of environments throughout the garden and included all of the clients requirements. We're aiming to meet with the school over the next few weeks to discuss the implementation of the design over the summer.

Garden Design by Emma Cheyne for Ashgate Croft ILU

Phase 1 of the Nethergate School extension was handed over to the client over the Easter break. The school are delighted with the new spaces provided in the extension and are looking forward to the completion of Phase 2 which will refurbish the rest of the existing school. Progress on Phase 2 is being tweeted daily from site by @Nottingham's LEP.

The new Entrance and Reception at Nethergate School, Nottingham
We've also received good news about Rosehill School in Nottingham as it has been shortlisted for an award for "Best Designed Project" in the Partnerships Bulletin Awards 2012 to be held in London at the end of May. Its up against some very good competition, but it is fantastic for the design to be recognised like this.

We have made progress with several early designs and planning applications over the last few weeks as well. The extension to Mathom House in Hayfield has been submitted for planning, with the new Kitchen and Utility space buried below a green roof and hidden behind a drystone faced retaining wall.

Development models for Mathom House, Hayfield
The concrete box house extension has progressed in the external design, as has the new classroom block for a school in Derby.

Sketch development of classroom block 
There are several other potential new projects, and also returning old projects, that we are excited to develop as well. We will hopefully be able to update the blog with these soon!